flowers that start with m

flowers that start with m Did we give here below the names of plants which have to be read starting with your business no longer writing AMSA what you need it to work, daugther Greetings from the turkey and sausage.
Magnolia. (Magnoliaceae).
Matthiola. (Stock Flower).
Mayflower. (Trailing Arbutus).
Mandevilla. (Chilean Jasmine).
Mallow. (Lavatera)
Maltese Cross. (Lychnis chalcedonica).
Marguerite Daisy. (Argyranthemum).
Marigold.  (Tagetes).
Midwife (Malva Vulgaris), in our country, 8 species grown. It is an annual herbaceous plant. In all kinds of soil roads, fields, forests, water edges are grown on the slopes with V egülled.It is seen up to 1200 m high.

The long spindle-shaped root is firmly attached to the depths of the soil. The body of the plant varies between 30-100 cm in length and is very branched and feathered. The same way green leaves and leaf stems are covered with feathers in all directions.

The flowers are purple and the flowers are large midwifery, the Corolla Length is 14 -25 mm and the small midwifery is up to 18 mm. Both species are grown in Anatolia as ongoing. Leaves 3 – 7 lobl. Large midwife's lobes are sharp, small midwife's are kütüt.

Leaf seats 3 – 6 chichewa. The flowers opened from May to September are 5 bowls and Crown leaves. The crown leaves are pinkish – purple and dark violet-colored. The seed is in a fruit that resembles a flattened field with its mouth closed.

Flowers , leaves and stems can be collected from June to September . The leaves of the Hibiscus, a plant that grows on its own and opens flowers in purple color, are used as vegetables and as medicines.

benefits of Hibiscus
It is a true protein and C-vitamin depot. It is a natural source of calcium and phosphorus. For oral and dental hygiene, the midwifery gargade is a unique blessing.

Malvin healthy tooth structure and the most appropriate ingredients for the purpose of malvid included a plaque (plaque) blocker, against the bacteria in the mouth and also a strong Pro-oxidant properties.

This will protect you against faranjite, tonsillitis (tonsillitis) and unhealthy gums.

It softens the chest and cuts the cough. It's a fire-buster. Colds and bronchitis are good. It cuts the bleeding of the nose; it removes the congestion of the nose. It is useful in shortness of breath. It is effective against stomach pain and nausea.

It is useful in gingival diseases. Helps the stomach and intestines function well. Fixes constipation. It removes hoarseness, throat and tonsillitis. It protects, softens and moisturizes the skin. It's good for the wrinkles and puffiness of the eyes.

 how to use Hibiscus
Hibiscus tea
A teaspoon of dried plant is added to a cup of medium water in the evening, filtered in the morning, or in case of Emergency, the same ratio of plant Water is brewed with a cup of hot water, 10 to 15 minutes after the water is drained. Drink 3-4 glasses a day.

It is possible to successfully use the Hibiscus tea , especially in mucous membranes , gastritis , bladder inflammation , stomach and intestinal mucosa inflammations and oral cavity inflammations as well as stomach and intestinal ulcers .

Fresh vegetables are consumed. Dry leaves and flowers are also used externally as Hibiscus tea or mashed tea for boiling in water. If it is put on the area where it is placed, it is beneficial.

After boiling and brewing the hands and feet baths is done to relieve fatigue. Dressing the eyes will rest the eyes. It is also good for fine skin
flowers that start with m
midwifery cure
After the tea is filtered , the remaining posas are heated in a little water, barley flour is brought to the state of porridge and spread over a cloth and made hot. Kompress should not lose heat . Compress time can be optionally edited .

Magnolia Cultivation
Scientific Classification

Alem: Plantate
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Class: Magnoliopsida
Team: Magnoliales
Familya: Magnoliaceae
Type: Magnolia SP.
General Properties Of Magnolia Plant
They live naturally in Asia, North and Central America. There are up to 80 types. Each decim is green or in the form of green trees and trees in summer. The leaves are big, with stem. The flowers are eye-catching. Flower colors can be white, magenta, pink, purple and yellow. Some varieties of flowers with diameter of 30 cm, the largest flowering tree is the title they receive. Fruit is usually woody capsule fruit is reminiscent of cocoon. Mature seeds are released for days before they are shed. In addition to magnolias, they make a large root distribution. For this purpose, well reputed covered seedlings should be used. Naked rooted and grounded seedlings in dismantling is a poor chance to hold.

Production Of Magnolia Plant
Seed, steel, vaccine and can be produced by immersion. Seeds should be planted immediately after collection or 3-6 months after folding should be planted. In the production of steel, green steel should be taken in summer. Steel should be taken from two old shoots 10 cm long. The production should be done in spring or August. In production with the vaccine, as Anaç M. used in grandiflora. The vaccine should be given by hand with keratli vaccine technique.

Ecological Requirements Of Magnolia Plant
In terms of growing demands, it develops in rich, moderately moist, strained soils and temperate that start with m

Use Of Magnolia Plant In Landscape
It is used as a single in parks and gardens. It's windproof. The flowers are very showy. That's why it's a valuable plant. It is necessary to sew large varieties of Magnolia at least 10-12 m away from other trees and buildings.

Important Types Of Magnolia Plant
Magnolia grandiflora, large flowering Magnolia species
It grows locally in the southern parts of North America, mostly in the temperate regions of the world, especially in Europe and Turkey. It grows on the Black Sea coast and Marmara region in our country. It's about 30 meters long. Temperate climate plant.

Magnolia grandiflora, large flowering Magnolia species: flowers that start with m

Magnolia grandiflora, large flowering Magnolia species.
Light is a semi-shadow plant. Pyramidal form and every dem green plants. Their shoots are rust-colored and hairy. Leaves 10-20 cm long, in the form of an inverted egg, dermisdir. The top face is bright dark green, the bottom face is rust. The flowers are white, fragrant and bloomed in July and August. Seeds mature between September and November.


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